After the purchase of a new computer / laptop that will do 5 things!

After buying a new laptop or computer, many people are somewhat concerned about making them useful. Especially, many of them are skeptical about the installation of software. Many people suffer from unconsciousness due to various problems.
So after buying a computer, there are some things to keep in mind at the beginning. The topics discussed for the newcomers were highlighted in this tutorial:
After buying a new computer it is very important to do five things.

01. Update An Antimalware Program:
After buying a new computer, the first thing to do after installing the operating system is to install antivirus. Because, new computer songs, movies, videos, music, etc. are downloaded or shared with pen drive. In that case, the virus can enter. So you have to install good quality antivirus.

2.Windows Update-
After launching your PC, the first step will be to update Windows. For this, Internet connection will be needed. After connecting to the Internet, from the Start menu, go to the All Program and go to the Windows Update option and click the check for update.
The update may take several times while updating. After the restart check whether all the updates are correct? If not, then update again.
Currently most of the users of Windows operating system fake or piratets. If there is a problem updating then there may be a problem. So should not be updated and auto updates should be kept off.

03. Drivers Updates:
Good performance of the computer depends on the driver. So drivers have to be updated all the time. Driver updates are free from various bugs (crude).
According to the motherboard model number, the driver will get the latest updates by searching the internet. In addition, the motherboard organization website should be kept in the regular eye to see whether a new update has arrived.

04. Software Installation:
The life of the computer is software. All the work is done using the software. Music player needs to listen to music. To watch videos, video player, image editing, Adobe Photoshop software, etc. So you have to install the necessary software.
However, installing one of the newer software may seem a daunting task, in which case a solution called Ninaite is possible.
You can get the software by clicking on the link below:
The biggest advantage of this is that it allows many free software to be installed in one click. It includes all software from the browser to the antivirus utility, the media playback program.
Nineat 32 and 64 bit are available for both versions only. However, it is necessary to check if your 64-bit Windows 64-bit utility is running. Go to the software website and select the necessary software. Then download and install.
There is also a great site for software. You can get the software by clicking on the following

Hope to find the necessary software from here.
Select the software that you want to use regularly from this list. Then enjoy sitting on the hassle-free installation process. You do not have to install one by one to find out.

05. Uninstall Unnecessary Software:
The makers of computers or laptops pre-install such software (already installed on PCs), they do not actually work. This software reduces the speed of the computer in particular cases. So in the control panel from the start to unnecessary software.
Diameter, these 5 essentials are ready to be used for your new computer at the end.

You will be good at all and stay with MRSTheBoss.

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