Clean the mobile camera very easy!

Due to the use of mobile for a long time the dust of the mobile camera lens has accumulated. Scratches also fall. As a result, it is not possible to take a clear picture. It is possible to solve this problem by sitting at home. What to do? Let's know.

1. Put a small toothpaste on your finger and lens on the camera. Then remove the claw wheel with a piece of clean cloth and remove it several times. After that, apply a drop of water on the lens and rub it on the finger. Basically, the lens has been completely cleared.

2. With a new pencil eraser, just tap the camera's lens a few times. Keep in mind, call the eraser a specific direction (clockwise or inverted). The lens will become clear just after that.

3. Take a little Vaseline with a finger on the camera lens. Then the microfiber cloth will rub on a few times and it will become completely new to the lens.

4. The market is available to buy scratch remover. Take a scratched remover of any reliable brand and gently cotton it in the camera lens. The lens will be cleaned completely.

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